Stress has a detrimental effect on all organs of the human body, particularly the brain and the heart. Stress leads to increased oxidative stress and an outpouring of corrosive adrenal hormones, it affects our immune system and our ability to recognise dangerous foreign cells it is intricately related to our ability to fight off cancers, infections and in turning our body’s immune system against our own cells (autoimmune disorders).
Studies have shown that the mind has the ability to both increase and reduce the effects of stress. There is compelling evidence that interventions centered on cognitive restructuring ,meditation and other relaxation techniques can not only alleviate many of the somatic symptoms of stress such as tension headaches, insomnia, functional bowel disorders, but to improve relationships, increase perception of happiness and prolong productive life in individuals who have stress related disorders such as hypertension, stroke and heart disease.
However, many approaches to handling stress and even medications designed to relieve the symptoms of stress, actually dig us in deeper, resulting in even more damage. In fact, any type of stress management designed to simply mask the usual and recognizable symptoms without doing anything to treat the underlying issues or alleviate the root causes of our stress, will ultimately do more harm than good.
Whether they take as their starting point Eastern Philosophies or Western Technologies, there are basic, fundamental principles of Stress Management, that are essential to long lasting, productive life changes.