Save Money With This Non-Surgical Treatment For Droopy Eyelids
This technique was pioneered by Dr Bruce Katz, using a fractional CO2 resurfacing laser to treat dark circles and loose wrinkled skin under the eyes, crows’ feet and droopy eyelids without recourse to surgical blepharoplasty.

* Individual Results May Vary
How it works:
The Smartxide DOT CO2 laser creates a series of microscopic channels into the skin above and below the eyes, the eyelid itself, and the skin above the brow- causing immediate shrinkage of loose skin and stimulating the development of collagen, which, in turn, smooths out fine lines and wrinkles.
During the procedure, the eye is protected by a steel contact lens, known as a “corneal shield”; and the whole procedure, which takes an average of 10 minutes, is done under topical anaesthesia (a powerful numbing gel applied to the skin around the eye, for 30 minutes prior to the laser treatment).
Following treatment, the skin around the eye will be red and slightly puffy for about 2 days, followed by another 2 or 3 days of flakiness, which can be covered up by make-up.
A series of treatments (between 3-5, depending on the degree of laxity of the skin), will be required at 2-4 week intervals, to achieve the desired effect.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Injectables: Selphyl