
  • Addresses the physical, psycological, and social aspects of nicotine addiction.
  • Is facilitated by a Medical Docter, and the province’s only nationally accredited nicotine addition specialist.
  • Offers the latest and most advanced laser protocols.
  • Teaches you how to handle stress effectively and avoid weight gain.
  • Includes 12 weeks of supportive aftercare.

Why the Quit Program?

This is the Province’s most advanced and comprehensive approach to the physical, psychological, and social aspects of nicotine dependency, and includes 90 days of supportive aftercare.

Don’t Let Any Health Issues Go Unchecked

Each Participant will be given a brief medical assessment to uncover any issues that would require further follow-up with his/her family physician.

Worried about Cravings?

The program includes 2 free laser or acupuncture sessions; but is also suited to those who prefer taking Zyban, Champix or Nicotine Replacement Therapy to deal with the acute withdrawal phase.

Understanding ‘The Change Process’

Giving up smoking is a major life-style change, and if not properly understood powerful unconscious processes can sabotage even the best of intentions. In this program you will learn in detail the stages of ‘the change process’ and how you can incorporate them to your benefit.

Learn the right way to handle Stress

Contrary to what many people believe Smoking does not relieve stress, in fact it affects every organ in the body creating what is known as ‘end organ damage’. In this program you will learn an approach to stress that works immediately and can be used in any situation.

No Need to Worry about Weight Gain

Worried about weight gain? We have included a special section to help you maintain your ideal weight, and to speed up recovery from the damage smoking has done to your system.

A Comprehensive Work-Book

You also get a comprehensive work-book with models, exercises and strategies you can apply right away.

Your Facilitators

Dr. Denise Hyland has over 25 years’ experience in family medicine and was one of the early physicians in NL to incorporate acupuncture and holistic medicine into her practice. She has advanced training in lasers and founded The Lazer Room Cosmetic and Anti Aging clinic in 2007. Smoking is recognized as a major accelerant of the aging process.

Steve Jackman, B.A. (Psy.); MBTI cert; MSHRD (Honors); NCTAS, has a Master’s degree and decades of experience in the field of organizational and individual change management. He is the only nationally accredited Tobacco Addiction Specialist in the Province.
