Got a teeny- weeny polka-dot bikini you’d love to sport on the beach this summer- but it somehow fails to complement your muffin top or saddlebags? Well, never mind; 50’s swimwear with tummy panels and little skirts is très retro, hopefully coming back into fashion some year soon… Cellulite? Hey- there’s always the burkini- ethnic is “in” this year after all.
For those of us who don’t look as if we walked off the pages of a swimwear commercial, getting bikini ready often means dealing with unsightly bulges around the waist, and lumpy, bumpy cellulite of the thighs and bottom. Assuming you’ve signed up for boot camp, and been sweating it out in the gym at midnight, and the problem isn’t resolving- the question is – what to do next?
Surgery. Liposuction is one sure way to vacuum those extra pounds off- provided you’ve got $6000+ spare change, can take at least 2 weeks off work, don’t mind wearing a girdle for 2 months, are willing to restrict your activity for 6 weeks, are okay with the risks of general anesthetic- oh – and are willing to go out of the province, because you haven’t a snowflake’s chance in hell of getting anything done before the summer.
- Laser- assisted liposuction is still surgery, albeit under local vs general anesthetic; less time off work; still have to wear a compression garment ; costs about the same – and you’ll still have to travel out of province.
Liposonix destroys a band of fatty tissue a half –inch below the surface of the skin. In contrast to surgery, there is no need for a general anesthetic; no time off work is required; no need to wear bulky compression garments afterwards; it costs a fraction of the price of surgery; and it can be employed for reducing excess fat of the tummy , love handles, hips, thighs and bulges around the brastrap at the back. Shrinking of the treated area occurs gradually, with full results seen at 12 weeks.
The minimum depth of fat required for safety margins is 1 inch; if the fat is thicker than this, you may require a second treatment at 12 weeks, as the machine ablates a fixed thickness of fat with each treatment (about 0.7 cms). Loose crêpy skin afterwards can be treated with skin tightening lasers eg Accent XL.
( Note: Accent will not shrink hanging folds of skin- eg an “apron” of skin hanging from the lower abdomen; patients with this issue are better treated with surgery- “tummy tuck’ )
How does this compare to “lipolaser” ?
Low –level diode lasers can shrink fat cells, but the results are temporary, and it requires 8-12 sessions for noticeable results.
Does it hurt?
You will be prescribed a pain medication to take an hour before the procedure. People’s perception of pain varies, but the intensity can be turned down and more passes made to deliver the same amount of energy to the treatment area if you are very sensitive.
Can anyone have this done?
Treatment cannot be undertaken if there is a large surgical scar in the treatment zone. If you have rolls of fat that hang down from the abdomen- you would be better suited for abdominoplasty – tummy tuck- surgery. Other contraindications would be a bleeding disorder (Haemophilia), pregnancy, or a hernia in the treatment zone
How much does it cost?
That depends on the surface area to be treated and whether one or two treatments will be required. A rough guide: about 25-30% of the cost of surgery.